AUXILIARY UPDATE : 23 october 2015
Wage increase
Your 2.2% wage increase derived from the UFUQ arbitration is effective from 25 October.
The increase applies to your hourly rate.
Question and answer in parliament
The fire and emergency minister has answered KAP Dalrymple MP Shane Knuth’s written question on notice about your auxiliary award.
Shane Knuth, KAP member for Dalrymple asked:
"With reference to the answer to Question on Notice No 292 of 2015
Will the Minister update the House as to whether an industrial award for auxiliary fire fighters has been developed, and if so, when will an award come into operation?"
Minister Jo-Ann Miller answered:
"The Palaszczuk Government is committed to providing effective and efficient services to the Queensland community.
Auxiliary Firefighters are integral to the delivery of emergency responses for the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) in regional Queensland.
These hard working men and women are civic minded community members who are currently provided with a range of employment entitlements enshrined within a Code of Practice administered by the QFES Commissioner.
The Government made a commitment that Auxiliary Firefighters would have a separate Award which protects current entitlements and provides for enhanced conditions. The QFES and the United Firefighters Union of Australia (UFU), representing these employees, have negotiated and agreed on a proposed Award for Auxiliary Firefighters.
The agreed draft Award was lodged with the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission on 11 September 2015. An initial hearing for the proposed Auxiliary Award was held at the QIRC on 6 October 2015. The matter is set down for a further hearing before the QIRC in late November."
Auxiliary award progress
Your union’s hard fought application for an auxiliary award will finally be heard by the industrial commission on 20 November.
The proposed award terms include phased in additional payments for overtime, weekend work, public holidays, late work, on-call and retainer incentives.
We hope to have the award approved, operative from 1 January 2016.
If you want further information, talk with your local UFUQ station delegate, or contact your union and see if a station meeting or phone hook-up can be arranged.
UFUQ delegates
A number of auxiliary stations have nominated and elected UFUQ auxiliary workplace delegates to represent them and keep them informed in the workplace. If your station has not nominated or elected a UFUQ auxiliary delegate yet, you can commence the process now, by using the following link:
Station visits
Throughout 2015 many auxiliary stations have been visited, many for the first time.We encourage you to organise a station visit on the next suitable training night. Alternatively, a phone or video hook-up can be done with an industrial officer and/or a member of the union executive or state council.
Contact the state office on 1800 816 589 to arrange a visit.
Become a member of UFUQ and show your support
2014 saw many new members join UFUQ. We want to continue to increase our strength in 2015.
Become a member of your union to show you are standing with your auxiliary colleagues as we continue the fight to improve your employment conditions and wages.
As a member, you also have access to the many benefits of coverage you will receive from a registered industrial organisation.
If you are already a member of UFUQ, now is the time to discuss membership of your union with your auxiliary colleagues.
Existing members who refer new members will receive a new auxiliary UFUQ t-shirt in 2015, upon the new member becoming financial (one t-shirt per year for existing members).
Your union continues to send a strong and clear message to QFES and the government about your employment conditions. We are showing them that we have the support of auxiliaries in our efforts to win fair employee conditions for you.
UFUQ needs your support now and will be there to support you should you ever need us!