You are no doubt aware your union (with the help of UFUQ representatives Cairns FCO Tris Brougham and Townsville FCM Alene Arends) successfully bargained a range of significant reforms to be implemented across fire communications during the life of CA22. I thought it was time to update you on some of those.
Clause 95 review:
The review is soon to commence, and it will include an opportunity for every member to have input to what the future of fire communications can be and should be. With so much changing as the new QFD starts, this is the perfect time to take a look at all fire communications is, and all it does, and look to the future of what your work is, and what it possibly can be. As soon as QFES gets itself organised, I’ll provide a further update with more specific information on the review and how you can get involved.
Fire Communications Executive Manager and Director roles:
The role description for the newly created fire communications executive manager role will be completed by 30 June. This means the position will be called in very early July, and I hope there’s someone appointed from within the current cohort of FCM’s quickly.
This will finally begin to provide what all UFUQ fire communications members have been asking for – fire communications will begin to be managed by someone from fire communication.
Following the commencement of the new executive manager, the new director role description will be finalised, and when that position is filled it will begin a new chapter in fire communications under the state operations division of QFD.
Expansion of FCS onto every shift in every centre:
You are no doubt aware that the announcements of the first round of successful candidates for FCS positions was published by AAC Bulow on 26 June. I congratulate those members successful in obtaining a substantive FCS position, this is yet another significant new chapter for fire communications across the state. The next round of FCS position offerings will occur as soon as possible (and before 30 June 2025).
Non CA22 matters include the TORP trial:
The details of the one year trial of automatic TORPing continue to be discussed between (now AAC Bulow) and your union, with that trial due to commence in the new financial year.
With the new management roles, the review, and the expansion in FCS, this is a chance to reset the way fire communications works and how many people are employed to do that work, this is an exciting time for fire communications.
Your union remains steadfast in the position that all seven centres are here for the long-term, there is no discussion at any level of QFD or anywhere in the state government to reduce the number of centres in Queensland. And finally, QFES (now QFD) senior management not prioritising your Cairns fire communication colleagues work in what’s quite simply unreasonable conditions (effectively the centre is based in a hallway) is no longer acceptable. Your union is pushing for further announcements and actual action to provide the far north of the state with a dedicated fire communications centre, and I’ll provide more updates on that as soon as I can.
John Oliver - General Secretary
Authorised by John Oliver General Secretary
United Firefighters' Union of Australia, Union of Employees QLD